Sweet and Savory Baby Food Taste Test

Okay, who’s ready for some applesauce?
We have the natural carrots.
Hmm? How you feel about that one?
Natural carrots?
I think it’s sweet carrots.
Are you feeling. No,
you’re not feeling that one?
Okay, the organic bananas. Look,
you want that one? Let’s see which one you like better.
Oh, now we have a sweet potato.
Okay, look,
look, look,
look, look,
look, look.
The sweet potatoes.
Lavar, what do you think?
I don’t think you like that.
Oh. Oh, wow.
Oh, he was
You said he didn’t like that.
The sweet potatoes. Okay,
alright, let me see.
Can I see you real quick?
Let me see. We have the sweet potatoes right here.
Hey, no, no, no.
whoa what is what is that is it good
oh he like it he wants
okay well
oh ISO hey hey you gotta stop you you gotta hey how you doing
like sparkle
okay hey hey look
it’s just some
no he’s saying this ain’t milk this one tastes like no drop milk
it’s got some flavor to it huh