Review: The Remarkably Tiny Gaming Computer with Surprising Performance and Drawbacks

You’re looking at a remarkably tiny gaming computer
capable of some serious performance
beyond that of current gen consoles.
It is smaller than both of those consoles,
even slightly smaller than the Xbox Series S.
However, you could buy four PS Fives
for the price of just one of these little guys.
This particular one has an Nvidia 40 70 in it.
It’s the mobile version,
so it’s not exactly the same as a desktop equivalent,
but it’s still gonna get you some seriously high frame rates
depending on the game.
If you’re deprived of space for your ultimate gaming setup,
this could help you out. Or
maybe you just want something to go along with your console
living room setup.
It is essentially a laptop with dimensions that resemble a modem.
It’s impressive size
is slightly ruined by this absolute behemoth of a charging brick.
First thing I did was run the benchmark.
I use 3D marks Time Spy test.
I specifically use this test
because it runs on Android and other low power devices,
so there’s some consistency between all of the devices that I test.
It got just under 12,000. I’m not like that impressed by that score.
Valorant performs pretty decent at 4K,
getting close to 300 frames per second
and dipping down to just under 200
when a lot is happening on the screen.
This is all pretty normal.
You can pop out a lot more frames if you lower the resolution.
Resident Evil 4 Stayed pretty much locked at 80 frames per second
at a full 4K, which looked really nice.
Call of duty performs pretty great.
It defaulted to a custom setting
that was getting around a 90 frames per second
displaying in 4K but only rendering in 1080 p.
I don’t think this will be replacing my desktop PC anytime soon.
I mean, it’s pretty cool,
but I don’t need anything this small.
I don’t need all that extra space.
My desktop is already pretty small.
Maybe you’re getting this to impress your friends?
They will be impressed,
but they’ll still talk behind your back about how you spend your money.