The Rise and Fall of Concord: A Developer’s Journey

Concord Dev writes off critics.
Why would I care about a bunch of talentless freaks hating on it?
It’s Concord release day.
So insanely proud of the team and what we have accomplished.
A labor of love like nothing else.
Unfortunately from there things took a sharp turn to disaster.
I’m so sorry this has to be your first.
I do not believe it’s you
or any other dev’s fault that this game has performed so poorly.
And I can tell a lot of effort was put into completing this game.
It just came at the wrong time and the wrong genre.
But rather than thanking them for their message,
liking their post, or simply acknowledging their post in private,
Ferrell instead offered a now deleted reply. Eh,
I don’t really care.
It was a huge labor from a lot of insanely talented people
making an awesome game.
Why would I care about a bunch of talentless freaks hating on it?
I’m sure having fun playing it and I wouldn’t trade it for anything.
Talentless freaks actually came to drop some positive criticism
and I got fucked. Clearly based on the game,
you’re the one with no talent.
Uh, so we have somebody here who’s decided to, uh,
basically take a bad situation and make it worse
because their ego got hurt.
It’s crazy, man.