Ultimate Shepherd’s Pie Recipe: Layers of Flavor in the Crock Pot

We’re gonna take some diced onion,
put it on top of our two pounds of ground beef.
Also got here some garlic.
Stick that in there.
A little bit here, little bit there.
I also got over here. Ah,
I bet you’re wondering what I’m gonna be making,
especially with putting gravy right there on top.
Hmm. That’s interesting.
Well, I’m gonna show you here. First thing we gotta do,
we gotta mix this together.
There you go.
Just like that.
And here’s the thing. You like, Paul,
are we putting ground beef in the Crock Pot?
We certainly are.
Why? Well,
it’s another way to make this recipe that I thoroughly love.
Okay, so we’re gonna keep this in here.
We’re gonna put this in for about two to three hours on high.
Then I’m gonna show you what we’re gonna do next.
Alright? Take a look at there.
It’s been about two and a half to three hours there.
Now, we got a few other things we’re gonna put on here or in here. Right?
We got ourselves some corn.
But actually, you know what?
Before let’s. Let’s put that corn on there. Okay.
Got that corn there. Okay,
look at that there. Good.
Now we also got here as a cream of mushroom.
All you gotta do is just twist this off right here.
You just do that. You just twist.
I’m teasing. I just took it off there.
There we go. Put that on there.
All over the place.
Gonna cream a mushroom on there.
And make sure you get everything out of there.
Waste not, want not.
And also, I know I’ll hear from you in the comments,
cause I read all the comments
and you say, come on, Paul,
you gotta clean those out.
And I say, you know what?
I will, cause you’re right.
Next up, we got ourselves here, some peas and some chips.
Put that over there. Oh, yeah.
I love all the color.
The color is perfect. Just putting that right on top of there, man.
We’re making some layers here.
Anybody got any idea what we’re doing here?
All right here. Coming up right here,
we got ourselves another layer.
Take a look here. We got this.
We got ourselves some hot water here.
Oh, I should have just put it all the way in there myself.
That way I wouldn’t have spilled it.
And then we also got this.
Oh, my.
What are these?
We got some instant potatoes here.
Now, you can make.
You don’t have to use instant potatoes.
Okay, I know some of you.
For some of you, this is heresy.
Why would you use instant potatoes?
They’re not real. Well,
I’m here to tell you they are real, um,
and I actually really like them.
Now, would I probably.
If I had time, would I make my own potato?
Sure, sure, I sure would.
I sure would have. But these taste delicious.
And Look how quick that happens right there.
Mm hmm.
Oh, wow.
Look, they are.
They are. Oh, wow.
And you can put some butter in here.
You do definitely want to put some salt and pepper,
but we’ll do that in a second.
Okay, so now we’re gonna put it right here on top.
Now, if you haven’t noticed,
we’re doing a Shepherd’s pie in a crock pot. What?
That’s right. Shepherd’s pie in the Crock Pot.
So push that all down there,
just like that. Mm hmm.
Nice layer.
There you go. Look at that.
Oh, that’s a great layer right there.
Now we’re gonna put on some.
Some pepper. Okay,
there we go. Just like that.
And a little bit of salt. Pink Himalayan salt.
The healthiest salt out there.
There you go. And now we’re gonna cover this back up,
and we’re gonna stick it in the,
uh, leave it in the Crock Pot,
and we’ll do it for about another hour,
hour and a half, maybe two,
just depending on what it needs.
Now, it’s only been about 30 minutes.
Uh, so it’s getting really warm here.
But I forgot. I cannot believe it.
I’ve lost my mind. I forgot to put the cheese on top.
And if you follow this channel at all,
you know how I feel about cheese, okay?
It’s right up there with how I feel about my wife.
You should see her face right now.
She’s cracking up.
So we Got that cheese on there.
Let’s get that all melted in there,
and then we’ll see you in a few minutes.
And here we have it. It’s been almost two hours here.
Look at the way this cheese is melted in here.
I am so excited to jump into this.
Shepherd’s pie in the Crock Pot.
Let’s see what we got in here.
I love making Shepherd’s pie.
I’ve. I’ve made several,
and if you know, you can take a look on this channel,
you can search for them. But let’s see what we got here.
Oh. Oh,
look at that. Look at that on the side there.
Is this not pretty?
Look at that there. Oh,
my goodness. Oops, sorry.
Take a look at that there.
Mm hmm. So beautiful.
Oh, I can’t wait to jump in.
I smell it all. I smell the corn,
I smell the vegetables, and I,
you know, I got a nose for the cheese.
So here we go.
Let’s see what we got here.
Mm hmm.
Mm hmm. I love a Shepherd’s pie.
I love it in a crock pot. I love it in a casserole.
I love it wherever I can, because this is definitely.
Let’s see what we got here.
Let’s see. You see,
there’s a big bite. You see,
I’m taking a second big bite. I don’t always do that.
Hmm. Uh huh.
You gotta make this. Take a look.