From Manila to Baton Rouge: A 24-Hour Journey Across the States

Let’s travel back to the States together.
I’m currently at the airport in Manila.
This flight that I’m about to go on is 14 hours long.
So cheers to a 24 hour trip. Time.
First 14 hour flight have finished.
I have like three and a half hours to my next flight,
which is going to Dallas.
And the flights like three and a half hours long.
Okay, guys,
so I’m currently in LA, and I have like 20 minutes until my next flight.
Made it in flight number two.
Hey, guys,
I have to whisper cause it’s so quiet in here,
but I’m currently in Dallas
and I have one more flight to go.
Time to board my last flight to New Orleans.
Thank goodness. I’m so tired.
Okay, Touchdown, New Orleans.
Finally. Only been like 24 hours,
I think. So let’s pray that I have all of my back.
Okay, guys,
I made it to Baton Rouge, finally.
Good night.