Title: Unexpected News: A Shocking Phone Call Regarding an Incident Involving a Loved One

I think I was in a meeting from say,
9:30 to 10 o’clock in the morning
and my phone rang during the meeting and,
you know, I couldn’t answer it straight away,
but it came up as the department of Foreign Affairs and trade
on my phone. And they called again five minutes later and, um,
they said that you’re the next of kin contact for Laus,
only Frankum. I said, yes,
because she’s, we’ve had reports that she’s been involved in a,
in an incident in Gaza. Uh,
we’re trying to verify those details.
And you might hear her name in the news and the media. Um,
but we just want to let you know
that we’re investigating it as a priority.
What did you do next?
Uh, went back to my desk and texted Zoe and said,
please call or text me ASAP.
I’ve heard you’ve been involved in an incident.
Did you speak to anyone else in the family?
Not at that point. Not at that point. What happened next?
I was waiting for them to call back with more information.
And then about an hour later, uh,
my phone started ringing again and it just came up as Washington,
DC I was like, oh, no.
And then, um,
answer that call and that was the heads of World Central Kitchen,
um, basically telling me that she’d been killed in an airstrike.