Doodles and Designs: The Story of Community-Created Benches

Today we’re placing three benches that were made collaboratively
among dozens of people.
It happened at this library event in their maker space.
We had three artists make benches worth doodling,
and then people came throughout the day,
adding to the benches by doodling using acrylic paint markers.
You can see that all three benches each have a distinct style,
and everyone loves coming and expressing themselves.
Some of these benches were exclusively Chattanooga themed.
Others were just fun, cute things to paint in.
I went and painted three red bases to help make the paint pop. And, uh,
it’s a lot of work getting in all the cracks and corners,
but they came out looking great.
And once they were ready, we colored and a sort of,
like, covered them in a sort of polyurethane.
And we’ve had others that got really damaged by the sun right away,
so we’ll see if this helps.
I drove the men this way they’d be good to go,
and then there they are, ready to go.
We have the llama bench, I love books bench,
and then the Chattanooga themed bench.
We also had this other bench,
which was a goal to try to place
if we could grab some locks,
put a couple benches in the back,
strapped to the top. The first bench, um,
which is just Chattanooga themed,
is placed in Saint Elmo in front of the Food City.
We got a request from a Carter Driver there
that People are sitting there often.
The second one is on the free shuttle downtown on Broad Street
in front of the old crystals building.
You can go look for it there.
It’s within an eye shot of the library,
so it says. I love books,
and it’s near the library.
The last one is at a temporary pull off near the Carter Bus station
on Market Street and between these three benches.
Thirty five hundred riders will pass by them
or use them every single year.