Green Dragon Birthday Surprise: A Magical Celebration for the Birthday Girl

Hi, guys.
Today is the girl’s birthday.
It’s your birthday. It’s your birthday party.
Is it a surprise?
Yes. I have a surprise for you downstairs.
I’ll close my eyes. Yeah,
you can close your eyes. Yeah,
we’re just gonna wear your hair down.
How could be four? Yes.
Do you have a surprise? I do have.
I have lots of surprises for you guys today.
What kind of birthday party did you want, Oakland?
Uh. Hmm.
A Tiana. A Tiana one, right?
Yeah. A green dragon.
And the truth wanted a green dragon,
so I had to combine two different birthday themes with one.
And I think I did a good job before. Okay.
Why you got this? Huh?
Why you got purple and I got rainbow?
Because I got purple like my. Like my favorite color.
My. You scared me.
This one. This is the styling custard.
This is what I really like to use on your hair.
Birthday. Birthday.
Birthday. Birthday, birthday.
The edges. Your edges, girl.
Why are you taking me?
Haha, jump!
Haha, jump!
It’s a fly on the window. Yeah,
it’s a fly. It’s okay.
It’s not bothering us. We’re gonna put your party hat on.
You ready? Yeah.
Look how cute this is.
How cute.
I love it. Good.
I’m glad you do the same thing with your hair.
Kind of birthday party did you ask for?
a green dragon. I wanna fly like a dragon, too.
But you can’t go In the sky
like this? Yes,
I can. I can get grown up.
I can fly like. Can I be a dragon when you grow up?
Yeah, of course. Yeah,
you can be whatever you want when you grow up.
Yeah. A green dragon.
I can grow up and fly like a dragon.
What number is that? 4, Mommy. What?
Can I go in your belly? You can’t go back in my belly.
Go downstairs. Yeah.
We’re gonna go downstairs and have a big surprise for you.
Do you wanna show your party dresses?
Hey, no peeking.
No peeking, girls. Ready?
One, two, three.
Look at yourselves.
Hi, guys.
Look at my dresses. But today is my birthday.
Yeah. You look so cute,
my girls. Mwah! Mwah!