The Evolution of Music Promotion: Why Hiring Music PR as a Small Artist Might Not Be Worth It

as a small artist hiring music PR could be a huge waste of money
for those who don’t know hiring music PR
essentially means hiring someone to go and get you in different blogs
to help promote your music
The problem is blogs or podcasts
or whatever aren’t really where people discover new music these days
it’s more of a place where people deepen their relationship with an artist
they already like
music discovery happens much more now via vertical video content on social media
or as always word of mouth that comes when
you built a community
It doesn’t matter if you get a huge article placement
cause it’s gonna get fewer views than a pretty good reel you made
because people don’t click on articles about artists they don’t know about
Pr is definitely helpful when you start to have a name for yourself
but before that you’re taking a huge risk and risking a ton of money
it’s not like ads where you can go back and do more testing right
it’s expensive and a lot of money up front
you’re gonna spend all your money to get on a bunch of small sites
that nobody really reads now
If someone organically reaches out to and asks to interview you for their blog
or whatever yeah
absolutely say yes until a lot of strangers like your music
PR isn’t worth it follow for more DM from private consultation