Exciting D23 Theme Park Announcement: Cars Land Coming to Magic Kingdom – What to Expect and Reactions

I am back with more D23 theme park announcement news.
And this is back over in Magic Kingdom in Disney World.
So we are getting a Cars Land.
Now, I am not a fan of the films cars in any shape or form.
Sorry to those people who are.
However, I went to Disneyland California in February,
and I absolutely loved Cars Land.
Everything they’ve done with it was immaculate.
The Radiator Springs ride was incredible,
and the theming, like all the rock Canyon work,
was fantastic. So I am quite happy about this.
I do understand why people aren’t, though,
because you’re going from like,
it’s gonna be behind Big Thunder and behind frontier Land.
So you’re going from like,
a frontier land western style theme to suddenly anthropomorphic cars,
which doesn’t really make sense.
But then if you stick to the Canyoni style theming,
it kind of does flow, if you see what I mean.
Anyway, regardless,
we’re getting it. There’ll be two rides,
one for kids and then more of a thrill ride.
I have no information on the children’s ride as of yet.
However, I do have the concept art for this one.
So to me, this looks like Radiator Springs races.
However, they look kind of like off road jeeps.
So we are hopeful that it’s gonna be faster and more thrilling
than Radiators Springs Races.
Now, I loved that ride,
but there was a lot of slow part
and it needed to do a Bit more speediness like test track.
It just seem kind of odd to me
they have brought this ride over
because Radiators Springs Races was kind of like their test track.
But we have Test track. Although they are changing test tracks.
That’s a whole other story I can get into.
But if you look at the images from the concept art,
it looks fantastic. If they can build that rockery,
then spot on to Disney.
And it seems like we’ll be racing through the canyons
just like we do on Radiator Springs races.
Hopefully they can make a really good job of this
cause I’m excited to see where this goes.
After coming back from Disneyland,
I was super sad that we didn’t have a Cars Land,
and now we’re getting one.
Let me know in the comments what do you think of this change?
Are you happy about it or are you really not happy about it?