From Weight Loss Struggles to Thriving: The Inspiring Journey with Dom’s Workout and Nutrition Program

I’ve lost a total of 60 pounds, and I’m here to tell you the best workout and nutrition program that you can follow that helps me hit my goal. Actually, I’ve been trying to lose 40 pounds my whole life, but following Dom’s programs, I lost a total of 60 pounds.

Are you already crying? Okay, I already have the tissues. Listen up for another success story. This is an amazing read. If I can even get through it, I would like to share a story with you that I never thought I would be sharing. You know, when you look at yourself in the mirror and you seem to tear everything apart about yourself, suddenly one day you have no idea who you’re looking at.

Being 200 pounds is exhausting. I can’t move. I can’t breathe. I can’t find any peace in my body. I listen to diet culture. I look at all of these young influencers that have Ricks ripped six packs. I look at what they eat in a day to realize they’re eating 12 calories, 1,000 calories, it just put me in a really bad spot. Whatever you can think of, I’ve tried it.

Eating keto, I gained weight back. Eating 1,000 calories, I gained weight back. Fasting. I almost fainted. I had terrible workouts. I stopped doing that quickly. I gained all the weight back. I did 75 hard, aggressively. It was way too much at the end. I gained all the way back soon. My middle fingers went up and my health went down. All I did was gain weight. I swear I just looked at food and I gained weight.

I stumbled across one of Dom’s video talking about reverse dieting. She was laughing. She was smiling. So I decided to click on her page. And still from this day, I thank god that I clicked on her page. It was a book. It was like a free book of everything. Sometimes she read episodes of the gift of giving, and I swore she was reading about me. The negativity I was going through, the yo yo dieting patterns, the defeat, giving up on myself, not feeling good enough. I could relay on so many different levels. Soon she was all my mind consumed. The next thing you knew, I was doing her workouts. However, I stopped after three days because they were so hard. I happen to watch a video of hers that she posted where she said it’s always going to be hard. You need to choose the hard that’s gonna make you better. But you’re not here to compete with me or with anyone else besides yourself. So go slow, go easy, take baby steps. And remember, you’re not pleasing the world. You’re here to please yourself, to be better than you were yesterday.

I got up and I started again. Ever since that, she posted a free 30 day challenge and I did it. I finished it. She posted a free three week challenge. I did it and I finished it. She posted a free 75 day soft. I did it and I finished it.

She posted a round 1 of 45 day Hot Girl summer. I finished it. She did a Hot Girl sub around too. I finished it. I also started eating. My carbs were 230 grams. And I’m telling you, I had so much rice and potatoes and bread, my doctor would probably have a heart attack. Because my doctor always told me to stay away from those three things specifically after I lost all this weight and I went back to my doctor and my doctor asked me what I did and I ref Fern Doms, TikToks to the doctor and my doctor said I love that girl and I’m going to start referring my clients to her. So cool.

I think we have it all backwards. We’re so scared to live because we let our weight define us. For the first time in my life, I’m living because I’m eating. I’m working hard. I have so much energy. I don’t know what to do with it because I’m eating so much. And all these years of punishments for Dom to just post these free TikToks without asking for a single penny.

And all I had to do was follow what she said. If you’re still here at this point, I started losing a lot of weight doing her workouts and following her macros that she gives to us for free.

There’s something very special about the way that Dom does things. She makes you focus on not stepping on the scale and gets you focusing on things that you’re doing every single day that really matter and are going to matter in every single day life, like the relationship that you have with food, like still being able to go out to dinner, like working extremely hard and focusing on how you can be better for yourself every single day. I didn’t step on the scale for three months because I listened to her and I decided one day to step on the scale. When I did, I lost 25 pounds. I was myself. I just kept going. And now I’ve lost a total of 60 pounds. My goal weight was to hit 160. Now I weigh 140. I’m still eating 230 grams of carbs every single day. And guess what? I’m running over five miles easily. I’m exercising five to six times a week. When I used to think that this was a chore and now it’s something I love doing. I’m doing all of our free workouts. And the best part is that Dom didn’t ask me to pay her a single thing. I literally just followed all of her calculations and all of her meals, all of her snack ideas, all of her encouragement and all of her workouts. Dom deserves every penny of mine because she’s actually given me results and has shown me that I needed to take a second. It has shown me the kind of person that she is, that she gives to us because of the heart that she had.

I am a completely different person today. And for the first time in my life, I am actually healthy. For the first time in my life, I didn’t diet extremely hard. And for the first time in my life, I am thriving. Everyone asks me how I did it and I always direct them to her. All of my friends are so upset that our coaching is sold out. And she, and this just goes to show how wonderful you are, that you deserve every sold out as possible.

To anyone reading this, I hope that you follow Dom for the rest of your life and I hope that you actually believe that it is your turn and that you go make it your turn for all of these years, I was so negative about myself. I was so negative towards diet culture. I was so negative about my weight until I met this positive girl that made me more positive. My situation turned into something completely different.

Now, can we give this girl an award? You deserve everything and more. I think there’s just so much power sharing people’s success because you guys see where people came from and you see how hard that they struggled. Here’s the thing, we’re all human, right? We’re all gonna struggle. I just want you to come to my page to know that I’ve struggled. I’ve been in a situation before where I was very negative, where diet culture got the best of me. I literally felt like I was broken and I felt like I would never be happy or confident in my skin. It’s not about judging each other. I think the world would be a better place if we were able to give more to each other. And that’s still what I stand by to this very day. Hence why do the gift of giving? I’m just giving because I wanna make the world a better place. And I think the world can be a better place when you love yourself unconditionally and you’re so happy in your skin that you find yourself being happy to everyone else around you. And I just want every single person to experience that her story is absolutely incredible. And I know a lot of you are probably taking away from the part where she lost over 60 pounds eating over 230 grams of carbs. I want you guys to take away from the part that she talked about having a healthy relationship with food, still going out and enjoying dinners and still eating the things that she liked while not stepping on the scale.

You guys don’t realize how much pressure and stress that you put on yourselves and how hard you beat yourself up. You think every single day you need to have a perfect day and you think every single day, you know, if you eat more than 100 grams of carbs, you’re gonna be punished for it or you’re gonna gain weight.

I’m just trying to teach you what it means to be healthy. I do think that weight loss is healthy. I think what is healthier is the way that you lose weight. There’s is a big reason why certain things don’t work and a reason why you bounce back from something, and that is because it was very unrealistic and unsustainable. And then what happened after is you bounce back and you gained all this weight back. You had uncontrollable hunger or you were dealing with binge eating or you simply just needed more food.

I post everything for free because I come from a background where we didn’t really have much. And my parents always said to me, like, if you want something, you have to work for it yourself. And my parents also did teach me to just give and expect nothing in return. However, I got something so incredible in return.

Like every single day, goddess, just like, here’s another amazing human stranger over the internet that you don’t know. They’re gonna make you cry tears of joy. I don’t think you realize how much I love and adore every single one of you. The content that I make, the free recipes and posting your macro calculations and free workouts. It is always worth it. You are worth my time. You are worth my energy. You bring so much passion and happiness into my life. I truly do find joy and fulfillment and like a peaceful heart knowing that I am giving to other people. I truly do think that is something that just makes me so happy.

So if you’re a follower of mine or you support me, just thank you. It’s so easy to do this for you guys when you’re just wonderful people. I just love this community. And for anyone who feels discouraged, just give it, just try to exercise.

I post so many free workouts my YouTube channel. There are free live videos of me literally doing the whole thing with you. I will coach you through the whole thing. I need you to fight for your health. You only have this one body. I need you to do this. I know you can do this.

Maybe you can post one encouraging comment in the comment section to encourage someone to get up and start and maybe tell them how I’ve changed your life. If I have, I would love to read those comments too. I literally, okay, I just thank God every day for this platform.