Unraveling Drama: The Video Debacle and Escalating Comments from Strangers

Who the fuck sent the palm color people the video of me talking about
when that. That palm girl said the N word?
That. That video was made?
I don’t. That video was made I think two months ago.
And I guess it’s just resurfacing back on their timelines
because they are trying to eat me the fuck up.
Who? Who.
Who the fuck you’re talking to? The fuck?
No, but seriously,
I’m realizing, like,
it’s stuff just. It doesn’t just pop up.
How does this work? How does.
How does this work? Cause it’s just like
popped up, but it’s not popping up with the black folks,
cause when I first posted,
it was the black folks commenting,
you know, everybody was on the same agenda.
Now it’s the white folks commenting and talking about some girl.
It’s just a word. Let it go.
You let it the fuck go. I didn’t get on here and call y’all a bunch of.
Hey, hey,
you know I ain’t. I just.
I just called out what I seen.
This is crazy. And then there was this one palm color lady,
she was in the comment. She said,
y’all need to stop acting like it’s a big deal.
Stop saying hoe this and bitch that.
I didn’t say hoe or bitch in that video at all.
I don’t think I probably did,
I don’t really remember. But anyways,
at the end of the comment,
she was like, and you walk around here
With eight kids and eight different baby daddies first.
The fuck ball,
Vivian, I don’t have any kids,
so don’t ever sit there and say that.
That’s where I got. That’s where I got a little offended.
I didn’t get offended by anything else you say. Eight. Eight.
I look like I got eight. I look like I got eight kids.
And it ain’t baby that I ain’t baby daddies.
And in this right now, I can’t deal with one fuck.
I look like a 8. Oh,
my god. She really pissed me off with that 8
8 girl. Eight.