Unveiling Scopos: A Comprehensive Guide to the Newest Operator in Rainbow Six Siege

Everything you need to know about the new operator coming next season!
The operator is Scopos, who has a new Osiris for the PC X33.
It comes with the P2 2 9 and impacts or Prox alarm
as AR is fire 36 damage, 7 45 RPM,
31 bullets. Great weapon.
When you start off the round,
one robot is gonna be somewhere in the site,
pretty much idle. Now you can use this robot as a camera to like,
seeing paying people. You could go in Rome with this main robot.
Then let’s say you know
they’re pushing you and you’re about to die or something.
You can teleport right back to sight with this robot,
and now you’re chilling. Now each of them have their own health,
so if that robot gets lit up to 10 health,
you teleport, you’re back up to 110 health.
With this operator, you cannot be DOC stimmed,
thunderbirded, or pick up rock armor at all.
Another thing I forgot to mention,
he can also be a completely immune to smoke grenades
as well as the fenrir mine,
so he can run through them and take no damage.
This operator can kind of counter Damos and Jackal in a way.
Because let’s say for example,
I was playing this operator,
I start getting tracked by Jackal or Damos,
and let’s say I just had my other robot down or here as well.
If I were to teleport and become this guy,
this one would Still be Jacko tracked or Damos tracked.
Cause we count as two different people.
So then they would. They would think that he’s right there.
And then you swing off that and kill the guy when he walks in.
So you can trick Damos and Jacko.
Now, as for the main counters,
you’re gonna run to a bravo.
Bravo can counter this operator by hacking him completely.
What will happen is he’ll turn completely red.
He can overheat. You can cancel that out.
If you go over here and it will say that you’re overheating,
you just transfer and teleport to that guy.
Now, IQ is going to be a great counter for this.
If you use IQ, you can see where the stationary robot is.
You can go from below, you can go from above,
you can see where it is. On top of that,
you can place a claymore, which IQ has,
right behind this guy.
And the second that he teleports back to this robot,
it will kill him instantly.
Now, for some questions you might have.
No, you don’t have two lives.
So basically, if I die right now,
I die completely. If this robot dies right here,
then I don’t die, I just can’t use him anymore.
You can play behind it like a mirror.
So that’s a really nice as well.
You can play behind it. Uh,
you can break the glass as well,
so that way they can’t see out of it.
It’s Just like a regular deployable shield.
Some great strats you can do.
Like I mentioned earlier
is be roaming and then all of a sudden teleport back up the site.
Or you run downstairs when your friend in the top floor
you hide your guys somewhere in like the basement or something.
And then like, late round you rotate back to this guy
and now you go for a crazy flank or something. Right?
I’ll have a TikTok showing, like,
the best spots to hide the operator.
I’ll make sure I do that for you guys,
don’t worry.
But there’s a lot of different strategies you can do with this.
I think the robots are gonna be the best roamer on this game
just for the sheer fact that what I just mentioned,
plus you have impacts. This operator is amazing.