Conversations from a Busy Day: Missed Appointments, Change, and The Weather

Guess how many clients I had yesterday, though. 4 16.
Well, you know how, like,
I do the missed appointment?
Yeah. So, like,
a lot of my clients were getting, like,
a little missed appointment.
Okay. So they’re only 30 minutes.
So the amount of time, like,
for that I booked for you,
if I did all miss, it would be three people.
But you’re one person for the time.
my gosh. And I’m coming off of Nashville. Yeah.
And I was like, honestly,
like, I’m fine.
I really wanted to get back to work.
Cause you know what? I kind of got blue.
I kind of got sad. Yeah.
I was like, oh,
my gosh.
I just went from being with people and with Haley the whole time
to nothing. It was sad.
Hi, do you wanna help Haley?
So I was like, I wanna go back to work.
And I was on my period, you know.
Oh, yeah.
You know, I was like,
I need to go back to work.
I need to be around people.
I’m sad.
And then yesterday was such a good,
like, energizing.
Like, I love it.
I’m back, and I love a challenge.
Oh, my god,
I’m so freaking excited. I know.
You see, for this appointment.
Well, yeah.
And, like,
I have literally been talking about this. Like,
only one more week. And I’m getting my hair done.
And Jason’s like, okay,
I’ve never met anyone. Who gets, like,
more excited than girls, like,
to go and do this? I’m like,
you don’t get it, though.
Like, you actually don’t get it.
But I’m gonna look different.
It changes up my whole aesthetic.
No, it does, though.
New makeup routine. Exactly. All the things.
I know. The sun has, like,
seriously made it so light.
It’s not a bad thing. No, it’s not.
Doing the extra work.
I love it. I haven’t even been outside, like,
that much, and it’s just.
But it’s so strong. Yeah,
I know. This is like, my first Arizona summer. Oh.
Like, why is it so humid the last couple of days?
I know. And we landed and we were so excited for the dryness,
and then all of a sudden. Yeah,
the humidity was, like, crazy.
I didn’t think it was humid.
It’s only for monsoon season,
which is now. How long is monsoon season?
I don’t know. I think it might be just like,
two weeks. Okay. That are really strong.
We just have random stuff happen,
like flash floods that are random out of nowhere.
But that’s usually. I’d be more in, like,
the Tucson area. Yeah.
I don’t really remember it being here,
but it’s so random.
Yeah. I, um.
I like. Cause I moved
like September time, and
it was like, it wasn’t too bad.
I think we had a couple of, like, storms.
Like, I was going to, like,
parties, and I was on the Way home and there was a giant,
like, random hailstorm,
but it was 15 minutes and then the sky was perfectly blue
and it was like as if nothing had happened.
It was just going through it. Yeah,
And then. Yeah,
like crazy how just like the last, like,
couple of days, I’m like,
why is it so humid? And it’s also 105 degrees up all the same time.
Yeah, it’s wild.
You know, we had a ceiling panel fall out cause the rain,
I guess. Here. Yes.
It’s a bunch of lockers. You’ll see it.
Griffin’s like, I’ll put it back in.
I was like, okay.
Like, it’s wild.
But the rain was that strong that it knocked it down?
No way. Yes.
And it must have just like,
piled up in the.
But it’s like, dry enough that it’ll dry out,
you know? Yeah,
it’s like, so crazy. That’s crazy.
I know, cause we used to get, like,
actual serious flood rain in the northeast,
and I feel like down here
it’s like you don’t really get it until you actually get just one day
or two days, like,
slaps of it. Yeah,
I will honestly take the heat though,
and all of, like,
the everything instead of the cold any day of the week, though.
I absolutely agree.
I don’t like being cold. No.
Hi, Billy. I already