Becoming the Unintentional Tech Coordinator: A Teacher’s Guide to Navigating Student’s Technology Needs

do you as a teacher
ever feel like you have become all of your students personal assistant
when it comes to technology
you’re like I signed up to teach science for math or reading
I didn’t sign up to be a tech coordinator
for little kids who don’t know how to Google thing
here’s the problem you can’t just like
if kids look how do I attach do documents to Google Classroom
you can’t be like hey
Google it kid how the world works
you can’t say that cause then when the kid fails
they’re gonna be like parents gonna be like
why don’t you ask questions kids
they told me to Google everything
you know like I don’t tell you to Google the curriculum academia
I tell you to Google like the things that you Google to fix the Google
so here’s a resource you can give students
it’s a Google cheat sheet for students
and that way you can tell them to go there
it’s like you lead the horse to water
but you have to like hold face underwater
just get it I didn’t mean to record the sound
I could just delete that but if I gotta Google cheat sheet for students
this is all the main stuff students have issues with with Google
recommended channels some helpful videos
things like that
I would link this in my LMS Google classroom and then when they have issues say
go check the cheat sheet it’s LinkedIn free
resources in my Instagram
then you put in your email
and guess what it’ll pop right up
it’s under Google stuff Google cheat sheet for students okay
love you bye