Negotiating Prices: A Dialogue on Valuables and Persistence

What number does it start with?
The reference. No,
what number does it start with?
Price point
8. Hell, no.
What number you wanted to start with?
Probably five. No,
not eight. Whatever.
Not for me, obviously. Score.
He has more. I have more. Tell me
how much? How much? 96.
Come on, bro.
I’m not retail.
What? I’m not retail.
You’re not retail? 96 is sold to retail wholesaler.
Okay. Wow.
What is this worth? 70 500.
70 500? Yeah.
Max, 8,000.
If you get, you should sell.
You get 7,000.
Free advice. 75.
70,000 lowest. Sixty five hundred.
No, I can’t drop it. Seven.
I said if you get seven, you should sell.
I didn’t say I would pay seven.
If you get 70, I’ll pay 75 on this.
Okay, one more.
One more. Tell me.
I know woodpeckers. How much?
How much? 53. Fair.
But if it’s fair. Come on.
I have, like,
seven of these. Take it easy.
like this. I’ll pay you.
Okay, I can go.
I can go. A little lower.
Come on, a little lower.
Like I can’t, Leo,
but I can’t use this bracelet.
I would love to buy it, but I can’t.
Look at this. I know.
I hate this.
Also. 1 6, 0,
1 3.
What else?
Don’t give up, bro.
I just bought today from two kids. I bought this.
What is that?
It’s Alice.
Okay, I haven’t read people in so long,
so I’m gonna Miss one.
Good luck, kid.
Come back. Come back.
Don’t. Don’t give up, bro.
Don’t give up. Eventually you’ll break me.
I buy regardless. Eventually you’ll break me. Just keep on coming back.