Title: Comprehensive Guide to Breaking Cypher Trips as Sova in Valorant

Hey, I’m links and I’m in the multi 3 initiate the main
and today I’m just gonna give you some tips and show you like
a lineup which you can do to break cypher.
You tool on sunset or sova.
So generally a lot of the time you’re gonna see like
really ratty cyphers doing these like
unbreakable cypher trips,
and it’s just really like annoying when your team is trying to execute.
My general tip for when shop darting like
cipher trips as Sova is to do it like
where you think the cipher is gonna trip.
So generally this is like a big choke point here in B Main,
and a lot of ciphers do this unbreakable trip
because your team have to walk through this choke point.
he does this trip so you can get like an easy spam and also keep info.
So you’ll see like a lot of like,
sovers doing like normal shot dots like this,
which is really, really good to break the unbreakable trip.
But you also have to think he’s got two trips,
so where’s the second one gonna be?
And generally we don’t really know unless we drone and get the info
or have that info like from later rounds or earlier rounds.
So generally a big tip I like to do when my team are like
entering is I’ll break this unbreakable trip,
but where is my duelist pathing to?
Is my duelist gonna go backsite if my Duelist is gonna path backsite
and my whole team I’m gonna shock here,
then probably this pillar as well.
Because you have to keep in mind we’re not going right side to market,
we’re just taking back site for the back site control.
So I’m just gonna shop for where my team’s parting for.
And the same can be said on A as well.
If my team is trying to execute out on A
and we know Cypher could be here or he’s played here before.
Cause a lot of cyphers like to change their setup up
and go from B to A. And if we think he’s here,
I can just do a simple shot dart against this wall here,
help my neon just flood out and kill anyone default.
And you just have to think about it.
Like once again this is like a really big choke point.
We just wanna make sure our shots are hitting where we’re pathing into.
Where is my doorlist going into?
Like we wanna like
make sure he’s not gonna get any value off these trips
and we wanna make sure he’s literally gonna get nothing off them.
Then like,
even if I don’t go B, I can do some like,
line up like this.
So if I go like to my T side and I go against this like box here
and I aim all the way up until I see like this triangle thing here,
I’m gonna aim to like The very, like,
left corner of it. And I’m gonna put like,
the bottom left of my charge bar against it.
I’m gonna do a double bounce
one bar, like so.
And this shot dart basically just lands for the unbreakable trip.
But the reason I’m gonna do this shot dart,
even if we’re not gonna end B,
because 1 it takes away the trip.
And this guy, like,
this cipher on B is gonna be paranoid.
Like, one of our teammates could walk through.
Maybe on the timing or something.
I just generally keeps at least one more towards B so they can’t, like,
over rotate A when we’re actually executing.
The guy still has to be, like, paranoid.
And it also just takes away, like,
mid round info. And that’s another thing.
A lot of surfers don’t only do kill trips
like here and here to spam from like, market.
A lot of them do like, trips like top mid or market for like,
general info. So if their surfers like tripping top mid,
why is he doing that?
Generally because they don’t want to put anyone top mid.
And if we don’t break this cipher trip top mid,
they could play like 3 towards A or 3 towards B.
You know, they could, like,
stack a site a bit more. But if we break this trip,
like, um,
top mid, either from like,
bottom mid or even from tiles,
like, we just leave a gap in their Defense,
and we have to force one of their players on the enemy team
to rotate the top mid to pick up what they’ve just lost off that info.
And same with market as well.
Like, if I’m shocking market,
one of them off B
has to come into market to regain and re clear that space.
Like, you also have to think, like,
a lot of ciphers, like,
change their setups a lot.
So like, if they know we’re always short notting here,
they’re gonna change their setup to, like,
do it, like,
further back instead of, like,
doing it where we’re always tripping.
Or if we’re like, always shocking here,
like in the first five seconds.
A lot of surfers just hold on to their trip,
then place it like
20 seconds into the round after we do our shock dart
to make sure it’s still up.
And these shocks are just
generally gonna bring so much more value into your server.
And it’s literally just gonna make their cipher feel like
he’s got no value out of his trips.
Like it is unplayable for him to play.
And anyways, if this video helped you out,
then definitely check out my UM
Sova sunset guide on my YouTube channel.
If you go to my profile, um,
then click on my linktree,
then on my YouTube, you’ll see it as my latest video.
So definitely check that out if you enjoyed this video
or found it helpful. And thanks For watching