Community Service and Good Deeds: A Day in the Life of a YouTube Channel Creator

What’s up, man? Hey, here you go. Your plate. I cleaned it. I bought you a shirt too, bro. Okay. I make my own shirts for my channel so you can have that. Everything good over here? I can still cut it. I’m about to jump into it. All right, bro, let me know if you need me. So when they need help, I ain’t coming back. I ain’t coming back when they need help.

So we try. Appreciate it, man. Hey, it’s all good. I try to see what I try to do. I did they yard first and I’m trying to cut this because the city gonna come fine. No, for having a tall grass.

Deal with the.

Cameras and stuff. That’s why I can do it for free. I have a YouTube channel. It’s right on my sleeve. Brightest day. And that’s what I do. I have a big follower base that loves you see me get out in the community and help people. May I try and if you know anybody that needs help, please reach out, man. I just, I got love said cuz I’m like, man, I went and gas up my equipment winning guys new bags just to do this. And then they told me I could do it. Then this man come over here with weird energy, tells us, and they got notes, I’m recording myself, so how can I do anything wrong? It’s like I’m documenting me over here, right? You wanna see what I did? Watch the footage, go to my YouTube channel as plain as day. So I don’t know, maybe they’re doing something that they shouldn’t be doing. That ain’t not, ain’t none of my business. So I’m gonna go ahead and get out of here, man.

You’re gonna cut the grass.

I’m gonna cut the grass without give you a donation. No, don’t do that, man. But don’t do that. It’s okay, man. It’s really okay. It’s okay. Like, it’s okay, man. I really appreciate you coming over here and having good energy. Like it kind so messed up my day today. I don’t.

Know. I don’t wanna mess up your dad. No, we’re in this area for.

38 years. No, you’re doing good by coming over here. Thank you. We’ll just.

Start now. We haven’t get bored and then ramp for 38.

Years. Look at this, man. It’s a blessing cuz I need an attorney, too. Anyway, wow. Thank you, man.

Here you cut the grass here. Go by yourself. Lunch. Well.

All right. Appreciate. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too, man. Let me know if you need my services in the future, alright? Hey, dude, hey, hey.

You got it?

Click on that. You can cut it. Just.

Out another 20 to cut.

It. I’m just a little sick cuz I had, I came out of my way thinking that they wanted me to cut the yard. And when I got here, they told me to leave.

There’s another 20 to cut it. You cut the.

Grass? What grass?

The grass.

I like, but they just told me I could. Now.

I’m telling you to do it. Yes. They don’t need, some people don’t believe people do stuff for free. Yes, sir. Okay. You have, you have an ulterior, not you have a good ulterior motivation for doing this because you do this on YouTube. Yes, sir. And so that’s your.


No, no, I, I’m like, no, I’m the lawyer that for these guys who say so it’s like on so anyway, so I’m giving you that to cut the grass. I want you to cut the grass. Okay. Is you here to do it? And so, see how it started. The good day goes to hell and then it comes back. You kind of go, hey, there’s full circle, right.

Ma’am? Thank you. Matt.

What was your name again? I apologize.

Aramis. Yes. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, Matt.

Nice to meet you. What?

Make sure you wear your mask. I’m gonna hurry, but I remember this time.