Grocery Store Adventures: Kogi Truck Stock-Up, Vending Machine Wins, and Rice Bag Slap Frenzy

This is what my shopping cart looks like
when I go to the grocery store
without a list. Just kidding,
but you can catch this leading tower of groceries
that is used to stock up the famous Kogi truck
at the 6 6 6 night Market
Smart and final booth. I don’t wanna brag,
but I was so good at this vending machine grocery game
that I got winner winner chicken dinner.
Behold my beautiful bag of First Street chips.
Just kidding, it’s actually kind of hard.
But this can be you too cause everyone wins!
And did anyone else used to also slap bags of rice for fun
at the grocery store?
All that vending machine madness and rice bag slapping
worked me up an appetite for short rib Kogi tacos.
I believe. Sharing is caring,
so I got one for Roy Choi,
who just recently launched his partnership with smart and final.
You know where I’ll be getting all my groceries this week.
And of course, can’t forget the Kogi sauce.