Celebrity Highlights and Musical Performances at the DNC 2020: From Oprah Winfrey to John Legend and Sheila E

I mean the first celebrity to remember at the DNC this year
I’m gonna say it is Oprah Winfrey
you know Oprah Winfrey has not fully uh
campaigned for a candidate since Barack Obama in 2007 and 2008
and she has gone full in for vice president Harris
donating a lot of money
and also has said she will hit the campaign trail for her
she will do events for her
because she believes in everything
everything BP Harris has to say
we also saw Mindy Kaling was one of the MC’s one night
we also saw Kerry Washington
Ben Stiller I mean
it was this thing was star set
it was like the Oscars Aaron
it really was you took the words out of my mouth
like the Oscars now
we know there are some big speakers there
but there are also some really strong musical performers at this event
so let’s talk about that who stood out there and why
you know the DC
Aaron was basically like political Coachella
ha ha ha this year
and you one of the main performances that stood out to me was uh
John Legend and Sheila E they uh
did a cover of let’s go crazy from Prince
introducing Tim Walls of course
Prince is from Minnesota Tim Walls
of course is the governor of Minnesota
so that was an amazing performance
they basically you know
rock the house at the United Center
that stood out for me the most
I really enjoyed that performance
and speaking of music you can’t talk about the d N C
without talking about the roll call
and an unprecedented move
they had a d J playing music throughout that
what we know to be a very lengthy process
so how do you think that went over Andrew
yeah I mean
DJ Cassidy we can see right here
basically created playlist for every state
for songs that represented kind of every state
and you know
Lil Jon was Georgia where you are right now
Lil Jon brought the house down
I’ve never seen a roll call at a convention
a political convention like that
um here we have him walking down the stairs
you know turning down for what um
it was amazing we also saw Spike Lee do uh
the roll calls for New York
it was you know
like again
it was star said that this thing was it
it was huge it was huge
having a Georgia girl born and raised
that was fun to see little John out there
now of course
we have to talk about who wasn’t there
Andrew they are course
was a widespread rumours that Beyonce or even Taylor Swift
maybe a collab would appear the final night
was that just wishful thinking
or was that actually fueled by something
yeah you know
I was hoping for the Beyonce Beyonce
Taylor Swift concert errand uh
I was like where
she’s not here TMZ reported Beyonce was there
but that was unfortunately
wishful thinking and insiders within the Harris campaign really said that
you know they didn’t wanna take away from b b B
Harris’s big night uh
Beyonce was never scheduled to be there
Taylor Swift was never scheduled to be there
uh freedom
of course is the song that uh uh
BP Harris walks out to for her speeches
so Beyonce has endorsed BP Harris
but Taylor Swift has not endorsed anyone
she has not endorsed either candidate
uh and she’s really stayed mum off this
will she endorse uh
either candidate it’s yet to be seen
but we don’t know just yet
you know I was one of those people
after the balloons dropped
I was like maybe they’ll just pop out at the concert later
but you mentioned Taylor Swift
let’s talk about her she has kind of inadvertently been dragged into this race
with those artificially created images of her and her fan
showing support for Trump
although as you said
she hasn’t endorsed anyone
what if anything
can celebrities do to prevent this or to retaliate if it does happen
we still have three months to go until the election
yeah you know
it’s interesting here and I looked into this
and a lot of these images were done by this small Texas non
non for profit company that basically has been spreading a lot of misinformation
and they they made these AI images of Taylor Swift
and then former President Trump posted them to Truth Social
but they are completely fabricated
and in terms of what celebrities can do in terms of
you know suing
you know she has grounds to sue Donald Trump
there’s a law in Tennessee
for example called the Elvis Act
which basically protects protects people’s uh
likeness and images so she could invoke the uh
Elvis act she had
she does have a residence in Tennessee
but that remains to be seen whether
you know it could be proven guilty
also Taylor Swift probably wants nothing to do with any of this stuff
so she’s just probably gonna shake it off
as she says Aaron oh
I like that one Andrew
it is all
I saw what you did there I took it
and I appreciated it it is always a pleasure getting to talk with you
thank you so much for joining us this Saturday
hey Sarah hi
I’m Aaron Rodgers and Atlanta
the news continues here at scripts