Debt as a Tool for Wealth: How $30 Million in Debt Led to $50 Million in Real Estate

We are in $30 million worth of debt.
And by the end of this video
you will be convinced that debt is a good thing.
That $30 million worth of debt
cost me about $145,000 every single month in mortgage payments.
Now here’s the good news. That $30 million worth of debt
allows me to own real estate worth $50 million.
It also brings in over $340,000 worth of rent every single month.
So directly because of that $30 million worth of debt,
I own $50 million worth of real estate
that I would not own if I was not in debt.
So that’s $20 million worth of equity because of debt.
And that debt just happens intentionally to own real estate
that is rental properties.
And those rental properties
bring in three hundred and forty thousand dollars every month.
Which is more than enough
to pay the hundred and forty five thousand dollars
in mortgage payments plus all other owning expenses
with a little bit of tax free cash flow left over.
So to simplify this, consumer debt is bad.
Asset based debt is good and helps you create wealth
if you know how to properly leverage it and properly manage it.
And of course I didn’t get 30 million dollars overnight.
It started with 100 thousand dollar loan and then added up over time.
And over about 10 years
I’ve been fortunate enough to be able to get $30 million.
And my goal is a lot, lot more.
If you wanna learn how to start this process,
And leverage debt properly.
Make sure to follow me
and check out the comment section for some more support and help.