Strategic Money Management: 5 Places to Put Your Paycheck for Financial Success

These are the five places I would put my money once I got my paycheck.
First, I would put at least $2,000 a month into a checking account
and have up to two months of funds to cover for expenses.
I would put at least $300 a month into a high yield savings account
until I built a three to six month emergency fund.
Third, if I have a 4:01 k,
I would put at least $500 into this account
and only up to the company match.
Fourth, I would put around $583 into my Roth IRA if I were under 50,
or six hundred and sixty six dollars if I were older than fifty.
Fifth, if I had more money left over,
I would contribute at least $100 a month into a taxable
brokerage account. Don’t overcomplicate money
and follow for more actionable steps on how to grow your net worth.
I hope this video helps.