Twisted Tales That Will Make You Question Your Sanity: A Therapeutic Book Review

Here are a few books that if you enjoyed,
if you were giggling while you were reading,
you might need therapy. Side note,
I’ve read all of these, loved all of these,
and yeah, I do need therapy.
Thank you for asking. Gonna start with a few controversial ones
because these don’t scream big time need therapy,
but I’ve seen enough people not enjoy them
that now I know the people who do.
Therapy. It’s about serial unaliver.
He proposes. Quick
spoiler warning. By putting the engagement ring
inside the eye socket of the last person
that they just murdered together.
Therapy. Priest.
If you have the hots for a man you know is immediately off limits.
That’s a whole other bag of therapy in itself.
But if you’re willing to ruin a priest.
Priesthood for the pickle.
Therapy. Let’s go with an obvious one.
The cat and mouse duet. Haunting Adeline.
There’s a man stalking you and forcing himself upon you
and doing unspeakable acts to you with his gun,
and you’re giggling. The biggest type of therapy is needed.
borderline incest, I think.
Personal therapy, family therapy,
some group therapy. You need all forms.
This one might not be that popular.
He’s a ringleader in a circus,
a masked man, if you will,
who burns her with a lighter to help her get off
while he’s going down on her.
Say it with me. Therapy.