Target Circle Rewards: The Peach Patch Shopping Spree

Peach Patch. All of this is going to be free.
I’m so excited.
Ah! So Peach Patch,
my groceries are going to be free today
because of the Target Circle rewards.
I was asking a lady, I said,
why does it keep showing my total is zero?
She was like, what?
Did you enter your number already?
I said yes and she said,
that is why. So it’s ringing it up and it’s showing the price,
but the total is still zero.
When I tell y’all Target,
Walmart ain’t gonna never see me again.
The Publix might not never see me again.
I’m be only shopping at target
cause I just cannot believe I had this much money. And rewards
still zero fish match. I don’t understand my joy as a mama.
7 and I don’t get food stamps and I don’t get weak.
This feel like such a blessing, man.
Shout out to target.
I ain’t shopping no where else.
So this total is free. It’s zero dollars.
Will I have to pay tax on it?
Have to pay anything at all?
I don’t think so.
Oh my gosh. She said no taxes on food here in Florida.
Thank you. Okay,
put that in the buggy. Oh,
that’s mine too. Yeah. I’m so happy.