School Interviews: Candid Opinions on the Best Looking Person

So, hi, everyone. Today we’re doing part 3 of our interviews with people around the school. Who am I here with today? Matthew Winkle. What’s your occupation? Student. Who’s the best looking person in the school? Why not? Boring? Cuz. Boring. You said it last time, Carter, right now, someone I want, whom I hear with today, I don’t know. What’s your occupation? School. Who’s the best looking person at our school?

John. Okay. Who am I here with today? John, what’s your occupation? I’m plain handle. So boy. Hi, who am I here with today? Ni. Your name is Fergus. What’s your occupation? Humble. Actually, you’re a student. And that. Okay. So who’s the best looking person at our school?

Wanna be gay? So, oh, now human. Who am I here with today? Ocean Sewajana, what’s your occupation? I am a student. Who do you think the best looking person at our school is girl over? I wanna say all my friends. You have to pick one. No? Okay, okay, fine. Maddie. Okay, whom I hear with today. Eva, what is your occupation? Student, who’s the best looking person at our school? Don’t choose me. No, it has to be someone else. Is it senior? Junior?

Yes, Sudan. Okay. Am I here with today? Then what is your occupation? Student. Who’s the best looking person at our school? New. Who am I here with today? Is this girl, Noah. Okay. What’s your occupation? Student, who’s back? Are you here? Come. No. Who’s the best looking person at our school? So Han said to my guy, what? Oh, whom? I hear what say this girl. What’s your occupation? I’m student. Who’s the best looking person at our school?

Who am I here with today? Hero. Here with. Who are you? I’m Minnie. What’s your occupation? Student. Who’s the best looking person in our school?

Sorry? Who’s the best looking person in our school? You boy. Oh, you. I’m not a boy. Who am I here with today? Megan Lee. What’s your occupation?

Student. Who’s the best looking person in our school? You arena. It has to be a guy. Nicholas. Yep. Who am I here yesterday? Drew, what’s your occupation?

Student. Who’s the best looking person at our school? Me? No, has to be someone else. Me. Who am I here with today? Okay, what’s your occupation? I’m accident.

Who is the best in person in our school? Who is the best looking person at our school? I’ll pick my love, Lydia. Kaylee, my human. What? Who am I here with? Volume. I don’t know.

What’s your occupation? Also occupation. You’re a student. His name is Olu. What are your opinions on Zeus Karang saying you’re the best looking person at school? I love this. I do it anyway. Do you love anyone else?

Who do you think is the best looking person in our school? Female drinking next. Female Kobe, Aksha, or who am I here with today? Susanna, what’s your occupation? Student who is the best looking person at our school arena has to be male. Oh, a man or fuzzy.

Who should ask her who am I here? Is there. I’m here. What’s your occupation? I am a terrorist, a teacher, a vet, a doctor, a lawyer. Okay, enough. Whom? What are your opinions on who?

Zona saying in the best looking person or school. Pardon? Suzanna said you’re the best looking person in our school. I would like to say the same to her. He’s a god. Who am I here with today? Leahao from Newton. What’s, sorry, what’s your occupation?

Student. Who is the best looking person at our school?

Dark. I’ll just say Lucas. So who am I here with today? Maddock and Zach, what are you guys’occupations? Students. Student, who’s the best looking person at our school? The entire school? Mrs.

Mark has. Okay. What about you, Mister Morale? Okay, whom I hear with today? Nia, what’s your occupation? Student. Who is the best looking person in our school? Mini, I agree.

Whom I hear with your name, Echo. What’s your occupation? My what? Okay, I’m a student. Who is the best looking person in our school? Who’s the best looking person in her? I don’t know you. Okay.

Who am I here with? As me. What’s your occupation? Student. Who’s the best looking person at our school? Layla Valley.

Who am I here with today? Faith. What’s your occupation? Shouldn’t. Who’s the best looking person at our school? You. Thank you. Who am I here with today?

Mister Nolan. What’s your occupation? I’m a biology teacher. Who’s the best teacher at our school? And why? Mr Shorey? Because he’s leaving. Who am I here with today?

Do Milo, what’s your occupation? Students. Who’s the best looking person at our school? Zona share with today. Poop. Oh, okay. Okay. What’s your occupation?

I sleep. Okay. Real. Who is the best looking person in our school? But some IMD Azlan, how do you feel about this? I’m very like in love with her. Okay, that’s good. Thank you guys.

This is us hard launching our couple. Oh, do you want that in it as well? We love each other so much. That’s so cute. Okay, who am I here with today? Suzanne and Oakley. What are you guys? Occupations?

Student, no, Sigma, Rizzler, skippity. I’m gonna have to go. Same on that one. Okay. Okay.

So like compatible, who’s the best looking person at our school? The what looking person at our school? Yeah, this person. Okay. Who am I here with today? Harris Shadri. What’s your occupation? Student.

Who is the best looking person in our school? Me. It has to be someone else. Oh, boy or girl? I don’t know. Think fast.

The bell just went, you know, ruden, Ew, this is, so this is take 2 because I think it was autistic. What are your names? We won’t hear you. Well, my name is Oakley. Suzanne, what are your occupations? Sigma, Rizzler. Same, doing the same thing. Okay.

Who’s the best looking person at our school? Sky RAF. No, rough has to be female. Oh, . Okay, she’s on there. That’s what I thought.