Marvel Grid Day 8: Battling Battery Life for Team Selection

We are back with Marvel Grid Day 8.
As y’all know,
I gotta roll a member of each of these teams to fill the slots.
Let’s go through the teams one more time.
We’ve got the Midnight Sons,
the X Men, the Young Avengers,
the defenders, the Avengers,
the Sinister six, the Fantastic Four,
X Force, and finally,
the Illuminati. 3 skips.
My phone’s about to die. Let’s see if we can beat it.
We got 5% on the battery life.
I think we can. I think we can win it before we run out of battery.
Uh, we’ve got starter.
This is gonna be our first skip.
One skip out the gate is not great.
Um, that’s okay, though.
We’re still in this. Black Knight.
We’re gonna go. We’re gonna go. Hmm.
We’re gonna go Midnight Suns.
We could have also went defenders or Avengers,
but Midnight Suns is a little bit more tough,
so we’re gonna take that one. Nova.
I think we’re gonna have to go defenders.
Was Nova on the Fantastic Four?
I really don’t know. Let me know in the comments.
Maybe I can do use it next time.
Lizard, we’re gonna go sinister six.
There goes lizard clutching again.
We’ve got six slots left. Two skips.
We’ve got Hulkling. We’re gonna go young Avengers.
Five slots left.
Yeah! Five slots,
two skips. Come on.
We’ve got Shang Chi. Ah,
I guess we gotta go Avengers.
We got two really difficult ones left.
X Force. And Illuminati.
But we possibly could still win it.
She Hulk. We’re gonna go fantastic four.
Come on!
I’m feeling it. I’m feeling it.
Today we’ve got Ronan,
and that’s gonna be our second skip.
I was not feeling it. Every time I’m feeling it,
I stop feeling it. Pause. Oh,
we got Ultron. That’s gonna be our third skip.
No skips left. Three slots.
Are we just crumbling again?
Human torch? We are crumbling again.
Guess y’all gotta come back for day nine.