Unlocking the Power of Morning Rituals: The Art of Self-Hypnosis through Teeth Brushing

So basically, it is a lot of things that we do every day in the morning. You take very much for granted, like waking up in the morning and brushing of your teeth. While it is a factual thing that a lot of people take very seriously. So people don’t take it seriously. And because they don’t take it seriously, they are much smells. And also, again, it’s not about, it’s not just about the mouth smelling. You know, some people have, there’s something that is inside of the gut that makes the mouth to smell. But what I want to talk about today is not about smelling mouth. It’s about the simple art of brushing your teeth that you do every day, but you ignore. You see, there is one way that you hypnotize yourself every day, and that way is the way it, it, there’s an automatic hypnotizing that we gift ourself every day. And if you can lend to decode or break into that automatic hypnotizing that you put yourself in every day. You can start changing your life. Like for you, you know, you can start changing your life. And because you can really start changing your life, you understand what do you mean?

If you understand that hop, that automatic hypnotizing that you put yourself in, some people have, they are washing business where they wash their mountain. Everything is just in front of a mirror. And sometimes some people are doing this and they’re looking at the mirror like I’m doing right now.

Max andrew budi. Jadinya di biro awal login atau biro diapresiasi. Akibat proses gedono that. Desde aquí en tu vuelta, automatic trans. Because just by looking and the Mirror, you are you sin probabilidad just by look and the Mirror de don’t no that idea it up y no and in that process the Star Thinged.

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You’re brushing your mouth, you know, and you find yourself that you just got into that loop of you’re just so focused on looking at yourself in the mirror at that point, start projecting positive thoughts to yourself. Looking at yourself in the mirror right now. That is the way to break out of that loop, you know, because many of times when you’re brushing your teeth, a lot of people, like I said, people get into what is called an automatic trends is a trans that they did not plan for it. You know, it’s just, it just happen, you know, to them like that. And because they get into that automatic trans, they unknowingly put a spell upon themself, you know. And what is that spell? They start thinking of something negative that somebody have done to them. They start thinking of something bad that, you know, something bad that has transpired somewhere, you know, for them. And that is why you must learn to always decode it, break that by doing what?

The moment you start looking at yourself in the mirror and you start looking very gently, start projecting, okay, you’re gonna be successful. You achieve this, you’re gonna achieve this, you’re gonna achieve this, you’re gonna be successful.

Your name is this, your name is gonna be great. Your name is gonna be wonderful, you know, stamp projecting that do this cons consistently. I’m telling you my brother or if you wake up every day, you know, before you start doing anything, as you’re looking at yourself and I’m here, oh, I’m strong. Today is gonna be good. I’m gonna be happy today. I’m gonna be joyful today. I’m gonna be, you know, I would actually, I would do the best of my potential today. Just do this now. Don’t worry if the lightning is good or the lightning is not good. The point is for you to just do this and see how your life is gonna change. That simple act is the biggest dream changer. Bye.

And yes, before I go, I’ve, if you want, I’ve gone. I’m going to be live today, but I’m gonna be live on Facebook, on YouTube, and on Twitch and Instagram.

Follow me on this platform. If you’ve not yet follow me on this platform, follow me so that you can meet up with my life and the teachings I’m gonna be teaching. You know, today I teach every day, but today I’m not gonna be teaching on TikTok. Because you my guru guru hadis hadis kembali film yang Instagram, Facebook, twitch, youtube ekonomi douglass.