The Power of Feminine Energy in Attracting Healthy Relationships and Success

some of you absolute trash
and then you surprised why you attract trashy men
the more trash you look
the more you will attract a man who wants through 50 50 with you
the more feminine you are as a woman
the easier life will be the more feminine you are as a woman
the more you will attract a masculine
healthy man the more feminine you are as a woman
the more beautiful you will become
the more feminine you are as a woman
the more money you will make
you don’t understand the power you hold as a woman in your aura
in your energy the moment you walk through someone else’s door
the moment you enter a room
a restaurant a bar
whatever it is even walking on the street
you are constantly signalling and messaging to the world around you
people around you who you are and what you are deserving of
the type of energy you put out into the world
is the type of energy that will reflect back
this is why you can always see how much a woman loves herself
in the choice of partner she makes
and most importantly in her feminine energy
now if you don’t know how to access the sacred energy
you will put out the wrong signals and attract the wrong men
the more needy and desperate you are
the more you will attract a predator
the more masculine you look
you will attract a very feminine man
the more trashy you look the more you will attract a trashy man
the more innocent you look
the more you will be taken advantage of
the more hyper independent you are
the more you will attract a man who wants you to do everything for him
the more of a people pleaser you are
the more likely you will attract a man that needs you to be his mother
because he’s such a mommy’s boy
it will leave a ripple effect in the unseen board of the universe
and it will reflect back to you