Ubisoft Introduces Competitive Coins and Exclusive Cosmetics in Rainbow Six Siege

There are now new packs for playing competitive modes
in Rainbow Six Siege. Yes,
with Year 9 Season 3 we have the beta for Siege Cup.
Currently only PC, but it will become to console in Season 4.
And with this, Ubisoft are releasing a new free currency,
and this will be competitive coins.
Now these are exclusive coins
you will earn for playing ranked in Siege Cup.
And you’ll get these for winning tournaments or becoming higher ranks.
And the higher the rank you are,
the more points you will get.
And with these competitive coins,
you can use them to buy these new competitive packs,
which will have exclusive cosmetics in them.
So it is really fun
that Ubisoft are releasing more free skins to the game.
And there’s no way to pay for this.
This is all entirely free.
You just have to play the game to earn it.
So they’re gonna be rewarding people for winning in ranked
or winning the Siege Cup tournaments
or becoming champion in this.
Of course, you’re most likely getting them for each rank,
but I imagine the higher the rank you are,
the more competitive coins you get.
Of course,
I know there’s still gonna be cheaters in ranked and stuff like that.
This isn’t gonna take away from that.
But I still think we should appreciate this is a really cool thing,
and I’m quite excited to see what cosmetics do come to this.
So be sure to let Me know your thoughts in the comment section below!
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