Hands-on with Scopos: A Detailed Breakdown of the New Operator from Ubisoft

I got hands on with the new operator, Scopos.
Thank you to Ubisoft. There is a lot of confusion about this operator,
so I’mma clear it all up. Right now,
Scopos is in a wheelchair.
Yes, however,
you won’t be rolling around siege with her.
Instead, you will be playing as these guys,
the V10 pantheon shells labeled X1 and X2.
Obviously being in a wheelchair,
she’s no longer her former self,
so she uses these guys and the only time you will see her is here.
These shells are wielding the new P C,
X, a R weapon with the choice of impact nades or proxies.
When you spawn into sight,
you will start as a defender
and the other shell will automatically spawn in a default location
and it’ll be kneeling behind its shield
and be acting purely as like a BP camera on a deployable shield.
Using the active one, you can switch to it as a camera
or you can follow the further prompt
and actually change and activate that robot.
Keep in mind, this doesn’t work if you’re too close
or the other robot can’t go into its shell because of an obstruction.
And then the original robot you just were
will kneel down and then bring up the deployable shield.
This seems to be overpowered.
However, when the inactive robot,
aka the camera with the shield,
that is all it can do. It can’t shoot behind it.
It’s purely just a camera.
The glass
On the shield can be broken just like a normal BP by meleeing it.
And same as the shield, it can be destroyed with an explosive.
Also, you technically have two lives.
It depends who dies. If the inactive shell gets eliminated,
the active one still lives.
However, if the active one gets eliminated, both will go down.