Wonderful and Confident: Embracing Your Dreams and Making a Positive Impact

Happy Wednesday, y’all. Let’s say our affirmation ready today is wonderful that I’m confident because I am a problem solver. I always have options because I choose to be optimistic. Today I will learn something new, laugh, make a difference in someone else’s life. Just want to say I’m proud of you for today. And this is your reminder that I want you to spend some time today or tomorrow remembering and thinking about the why behind your big goal, whatever it is in your life you’re currently working towards, no matter what it is, I really want you to.

And I’m doing this myself. I’m preaching to myself everything that I say is because I’m currently feeling the same way. And I was just kind of like, I don’t know if it’s the change of seasons. I don’t know what it is, but I was like feeling kind of just like lost. And I was like, you know what, no, I need to go back to my reasoning why and go back to, you know, those things that, you know, that you feel in your soul you were made to do and spend some time Daydream, go on Pinterest, whatever it is, spend some time reminding yourself of that. Because when you know that, it just helps you with everything else. Like this.

Okay, let me show you this. So I’m here writing on my piano, right? People, some people might say I’m crazy, but you know what? Everything is crazy until it happens.

Right next to my piano, I have a bunch of pictures taped up. Is it kind of weird? A little bit, but that’s okay. What I do is I will be writing a song or I’ll be playing my songs and I’m like, okay, I’m preparing to go and sold out arena tours everywhere around the world. So I was like, okay, I need to start envisioning that. And I put these photos up right next to my piano to help me envision that they’re just there because you know what? That’s what you gotta do. And never feel embarrassed or feel silly for having big goals that you’re made to do in achieving them. Like if anything, if take that as a sign is like that is right. If something feels uncomfortable, if it feels a little like out of your reach out to sign, like we only grow when we do things that are, you know, that make us better, that challenge us. Like that’s the discomfort builds like it builds your tolerance and that’s how you grow.

This is kind of a long rant, but that’s what I’ve just been thinking about and I just, and like in real time articulating my thoughts, I need to write this down in my journal, which by the way, if you don’t journal, you should be journaling. But yeah, that just kind of like resonated with me right now, go back to your why and really envision that because it will happen. So spend some time doing that. I’m gonna do that too. And I’m about to journal, have my journal right here. But yeah, that’s it for today, y’all. That was just my little rant. And I’m excited because let me leave comes out like tomorrow night. It’s just, it’s crazy. Like I feel like I’m still, even though I’m like, I wrote the song two years ago. It’s always weird to me, like when music comes out, I don’t know, because it’s like a, there’s, there’ll be so much to go into. We need to do a Q&A. It’s just cool. I don’t know. I just, I feel so lucky that I get to do what I get to do and that, you know, God put me on earth to do this. And I just hope that me doing this and me following my goals can make you also like realize that at the end of the day, we’re all human, we’re all the same, and we’re put here to make the world a better place. So you can use yourself to make the world a better place. And whether that be by your talents, your gifts, it could be your energy you bring to a room, it could be how you always are positive and you impact people and you make their day better. And it creates this butterfly ripple effect act, changing the world one by one.

Like, I’m serious. Like when you start to think about that and stop thinking about like, oh, what can I achieve? What can I do this? It’s like your mind will, everything will totally change. And that’s just something I’ve been thinking about anyways. Okay, this video is like super long, a super long rant. Anyways, yeah, just a lot of pondering lately, a lot of pondering, a lot of thinking, but I feel like it’s good thinking. Let me know your thoughts. Let me know what you are feeling. How is your day going? I feel like Instagram, my Instagram is totally dead. So we’re just bringing it back. We’re bringing it back. We’re having fun, you know? Anyways, okay. I love y’all and I can’t wait to read, hear my new song. I can’t wait. Just for the future. Can’t wait for the future. I’m excited. But we are in the present today. So we’re living today. Love you all. I’m gonna go journal and you’re gonna go journal to.