Invisible Intrigue: Nook’s Rework in Rainbow Six Siege Operation Twin Shells

The Nook rework is here in Operation Twin Shells of Rainbow Six Siege.
And it isn’t as flashy as you’d expect it to be,
but it is actually very strong.
And what this basically is
is that Nook’s gadget will not deplete when you’re walking.
So if you sprint, shoot your weapon,
punch a barricade,
your gadget will go down just like it usually does now.
However, if you have your gadget active
and you’re simply walking through the building as a stealthy player,
as nuke should be, your gadget will not deplete,
that you can pretty much be invisible to cameras the entire round
as long as you’re playing stealthy.
Now I know it isn’t as easy to do that.
You still do have to take gunfights.
You still do have to punch barricades for example,
and that will deploy the gadget.
However, if you wanna charge it up again you just unactivate,
wait for a few seconds and it will charge up.
And as well as this, they don’t even deploy the gadget that much,
so you can still do a lot of these actions whilst deploying the gadget
and still have some remaining.
So although this isn’t the flashiest update for Nook
they could have done,
this is actually very good for her gadget and very strong.
I still think she should get silent step back,
but from a gadget standpoint
this is the best nuke has ever been for evading cameras
and just staying off Those Intel devices
as well as this. The FMG also has less recoil.
However, to me personally it kind of just feels the same.
Maybe they’ll tweak it a bit more before it comes to the live servers,
but yeah. Be sure to let me know your thoughts about this.
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