Dreaming of the Mystic Tower Playground: A Mother’s Tale of Wishful Thinking at Sam’s Club

Okay. Every time I’m at Sam’s Club,
I have to just stop and admire this.
And I will stand here for like a good 10 minutes
just imagining it in my backyard
and picturing how much fun my kids would have on it.
I’m about to show you the most beautiful playground I’ve ever seen.
Look at her,
she’s so pretty. And it has all of these swing options.
This is at Sam’s Club, and it’s called the Mystic Tower.
Look at it, it’s so beautiful.
It has this, like, climbing side over here.
There’s a cute little tunnel,
there’s a little, like,
rope ladder, there’s a rock climbing part,
there’s a slide. Like, uh.
I would have loved this as a kid.
And I just want my kids to have this so bad.
Like, I’m fully done shopping,
I have a cart full of stuff,
and I’m just gonna sit here for a second and just admire it
cause it’s so beautiful and I want it so bad.
Funny story,
I actually originally started posting on TikTok to hopefully like,
one day make extra money on the side.
And my goal, like,
I know some people are like,
I want a Birkin bag, I want a new car.
No, I literally just want this playground for my kids.
Like, that’s all I want.
Maybe some more plants in my backyard,
I don’t know, but I literally just want this playground.
It’s like 14 dollars, and that’s a lot.
I’m Hoping that it will go on sale before the holidays,
like maybe when they’ll change new stuff out.
But it’s just beautiful.
I just had to share because literally every time I come to Sam’s Club,
I just stand here and stare at it for a good 10 minutes.
Okay, one more view before I leave.
I gotta go. I gotta get out of here.
I can’t just stand here and stare at it forever.
But hey,
I don’t know if you can tell,
but there’s like a little telescope on the very top level.
Like, that’s so cute.
My son would love that cause he loves planets and stars.
Like, I know it’s obviously not a real telescope that can see space,
but like, he could go up there and pretend,
you know? That’d be so cute.
I just want it so bad. One day.
One day it’s gonna happen.
It’s not today, but one day.