Unveiling the Emotional Depth Behind K-Drama Posters: A Tale of Heartbreak and Hope

I was gonna do one of those videos where it’s like
promoting a K drama the way that it ends with us as being promoted
but that’s kind of how K dramas are promoted
obviously not all but there are a lot
one of the biggest ones I can think of that I’m like
I get emotional just thinking about it is miracle and cell number seven
I think the poster for this movie looks so disarming
it looks funny it looks light hearted
it looks you know
like maybe like a cozy little movie
I don’t think a movie has made me ball more than this movie
just realized that there are multiple posters for this
but it’s about a father who
a single father who is mentally ill (I misspoke, not mentally ill)
I don’t think they ever said the type of mental disability
but he is wrongly accused of um
SA-ing and unaliving a little girl
and he gets sent to prison because the little girl belonged to like um
one of the police chiefs and he’s in this prison
and prisoners realize that he was wrongly accused
but they didn’t know that immediately
and how you know
like his daughter
she like
sneaks into the prison um
you know everyone helps him
and they sneak his daughter in so she can spend some time with her dad and
you know they all try to coach him so that he can
you know try to get out of this
this death sentence and it
it doesn’t work it’s all
it’s all for not and it’s so emotional
and you know
she goes on to like
study law become a lawyer and like
rightfully clear her father’s name (post death)
but it’s just so emotional
and it’s so heartbreaking
and I don’t think the poster gives you that
that like feeling
a lighter example of this is My Shy Boss
which is honestly one of my favorite dramas
but when I clicked on it it was because I thought this was like
a light ROM com because the poster looks very like office romance romcom
and it kind of is but basically
he is a boss and he is like
super introverted kind of a shut in
and she is a super outgoing
you know like
new employee and
you know she gets a job there
but the the series is about how his last assistant
her older sister unalives herself
the very beginning of the series
and there is this heavy mystery that exists throughout the entire run of it
as she’s trying to figure out what caused her sister
like to do this
like is he the cause
and you know
this is like
a revenge plot or like
did something else happen
and as they are unraveling this
it’s just it’s a heaviness that exists throughout the entirety of the story
even as they are you know
serendipiously falling in love
and that little bit of office romance and comedy that exist
in it there is still a heaviness
and I don’t think the poster properly portrays that