Orthodox Jewish Customs: Welcoming a New Car and Carrying a Chitas

do Orthodox Jews do anything special when they get a new car
it’s funny that you asked that
because we just got a new car two days ago
we got a Nissan our old lease was up
and Aaron is a big fan of leasing cars
not buying them his theory is
unlike a house a car doesn’t appreciate with time
the more you drive them and the more mileage you put on them
the less you can be sell them for
and yes you’re paying more monthly
but in the long run you’re not paying as much for the maintenance of the car
like the engine or the tires etcetera
now there’s not a specific blessing or ceremony that we do when we get a new car
but something that we keep in the car
and this is specifically a Chabad custom
um not all Orthodox Jews do this
but we keep something in our glove compartment
well you always need to have spare forks and knives
but we keep something called Ahitas
A Chitas is an acronym for Chumash Tehillim and Tanya
it contains in it the five books of the Torah
Tehillim is Psalms in Tanya is a book that the Alta Rebbe wrote
this Chitas has been very well loved
and in the back of it is also a prayer book
so we always try to keep a Chitas with us whenever we travel