Crumbl Cookies Taste Test: From Olivia Rodrigo to Lemon Glaze – A Review from a UK Visitor in LA

Hi, guys.
So I’m from the UK, and I’m in LA right now,
and I’m trying crumbl cookies.
Okay, let’s go.
I’ve never had them before.
Okay, we’re gonna start off with the Olivia Rodrigo one.
Okay, we’re gonna go again because
I can’t really say so much.
Hmm. Mmm.
Bet with the Berry. I like that.
About the Berry. It’s a bit dry.
With the Berry. It’s nice.
This one is the chocolate covered strawberry one.
I’m not really a strawberry type of girl.
It’s not bad.
Not the in and out drink.
Okay, next. Oh,
gonna try semi sweet chocolate chunk.
This is it. This is like a me type B.
This is the kind of cookie that I would buy if I had the choice.
It tastes like a Millie’s cookie.
Yeah. Nothing special,
but it’s nice.
Okay, next up.
It’s even got a lemon on it.
How cute. This is the lemon glaze.
I like lemon. This should be good.
It tastes like a lemon.
I wouldn’t go out my way to buy a lot.
And last one,
the. The waffle cookie.
We’re gonna have that one.
Yeah. Oh.
Oh, it’s just gone on the thing.
That’s really sweet.
Not my jam. I feel like.
Oh, wait.
I hate that syrup. I’ll give it an 8 out of 10.
I’m not a sweet tooth kind of person,
but I did actually enjoy it.
I wouldn’t be able to eat all of these in One go.
But my favourite is either the Olivia Rodrigo one.
Charlotte here. I got my driver’s license last week.
Yeah, I love her.
And I like the chocolate one
because it just tastes like a Millie’s cookie,
you know