Accelerating Debt Freedom: A Case Study of an Atlanta Couple’s Financial Journey

This Atlanta couple has two credit cards and upstart loan,
a car lease, and a car loan totaling to $44,895 of debt.
They only make their minimum monthly payments.
They will be debt free in July 2027.
This chart shows how their debt is broken down into percentages.
You can see their car loan currently makes up 77% of their total debt.
Here you can see their debts
in order from smallest balance to largest balance.
But let’s say they commit to sending an extra $500 each month to debt
on top of their minimum payments.
If they’re willing to do that,
they will be debt free in may of 2026.
That’s 14 months sooner than before.
It’s incredible to see how making extra payments to your debt
can truly impact your debt free journey.