From Debt to Wealth: Two Pivotal Moments That Led to Six Figures in Passive Income

Talk about the two pivotal moments in my life that changed everything
for me and the lessons that I Learned from them
that helped me build six figures a year in passive income
and when I say passive income,
I mean
literally money that just shows up in my bank account every month
without me having to do anything for it
first moment was when I got my big girl corporate job
fresh out of university
and I asked our senior female V P to sit down and have lunch with me
because I knew it’s not about what you know,
it’s about who you know
and I wanted to climb the ranks and make the big bucks.
I had always lived in the glorious state of Delulu.
I knew even though I had zero dollars at the time,
it was $40,000 in debt,
I would be rich someday but during that lunch she told me,
I have two boys and they don’t know who I am.
She said that her husband has to regularly remind her children
that even though Mommy’s not there,
it’s okay cause she’s working hard
and that’s why you have all of these nice things
that’s when I realised
the only people that were really gonna remember that I worked late
20 years from now would be my kids
which brings me to lesson 1.
Money means nothing if you don’t own your time.
What good is a Rolex if it just tells you when
Your lunch break is over. I decided to find a way to make more money
for every hour of my life I was trading.
I got my real estate license and I figured okay
well at least if I work harder
it’s not just the company that’s gonna make more money,
I will make more money too.
My next
pivotal moment came when I was having a conversation with my mentor
about his life and his family.
His family were actually immigrants
and they came here and built up a real estate empire.
They started with nothing but became multi millionaires.
Now his brother took a page out of his parents book.
He bought a triplex. He lived in one unit,
he rented out the others
and he would renovate the units over the years.
He ended up selling that triplex for over a million dollar profit
and moved to Bali to retire in his 30s.
This taught me lesson No. 2 and three.
Number two, retirement isn’t an age,
it’s a number in the bank and three,
the best way to build real wealth is through investing.
If you’re always trading your time for money,
there’s always gonna be a limit to what you can make.
That’s when I decided to buy my first property
that I flipped for 150 thousand dollar profit.
I was doing this simultaneously
I started investing in the stock market to make truly passive income.
I rinsed and repeated the strategy and became a Millionaire at 30.
So take this as your sign.
If you wanna live like the rich,
you have to first think like the rich.
Stop taking advice from people who don’t have the life that you want.
And because this education is so lacking,
I have created a business teaching other people how they can do it too.
Start learning with our free trainings on our website under freebies
or you can apply to work with me as your seven figure mentor.