Songwriting Secrets: A Unique Process at Cinemania

okay so I think I can talk about this process
I’m sure it’s not a big secret how
at least when I wrote this
you know years ago
how songs have been written at Cinemania
basically I would take a train from London for about two hours
after this beautiful farmhouse villa
that was just full of different kinds of studios
and I would sit with um
one of the lovely engineers at cenomania
and they would just play me like
five to 10 different tracks
um I didn’t meet the producer who made them
I had no idea who made the productions
and the vocal engineer would just record me
improvising a ton of different melodies
sometimes there’ll be words that I
they would want me to kind of throw into the process like
sorry about the background noise
by the way I’m at um
I can’t tell you where I’m at actually yet
anyway um
so I’ll basically be just like
kind of improvising a ton of different kinds of melodies over these tracks
um of different styles and vibes
and sometimes there be little like um
notes to like
try to incorporate these words and these words and um
try to like
while you’re improvising like
come up with something with this theme
kind of so I would just sing my heart out for about 3
4 hours just come up with whatever I could think of
and then I would just leave
and then um
Brian Higgins and people at Cinemania would um
go through all the melodies that I’ve come up with
different writers and just go through track by track
find the different kinds of melody
so I wouldn’t know what the song would sound like until whenever it was done
and they would tell me like oh
we use this part from you
so therefore you getting this much writing credit
this many percentage whatever
and yeah it was a really different
interesting way to write cause I’m used to obviously writing the whole song
really getting um intense with the lyrics
but as a new writer at the time
writing for the people it felt like a really cool way to um
write a song that was kind of put less pressure on me to make something finish
but I could still really contribute to something special
yeah that’s the process
oh yeah I did meet Florida
so lovely sweet
so cool um yeah
the food was amazing the house was beautiful
it was a vibe also
I remember one time they flew me out um
to be there for like 4 days
so I was staying at a really cute um
petting breakfast at this old couple
they took really great care of me
and I remember going uh
cross country running in the fields around there and got chased by cows
which is interesting but
uh I survived obviously
ha ha ha that was the first um
but yeah that’s the tea