Challenging Privilege: The Struggles of Learning a New Language and Navigating Cultural Differences

Given the name, I feel like I probably shouldn’t take you terribly seriously and I’m probably gonna block you in a few minutes anyway. But I’m going to answer this to make sure that you know that sometimes judging other people based on your own level of privilege, kind of stupid.

So my first three years in Sweden, a had never lived anywhere else my entire life other than Texas. I didn’t complain when I went to SFE, but the first three years I was here, I worked at international schools. And those international schools didn’t let us have time to go to SFP. It, we could have gone in the evenings, but we were having so much trouble finding our way around that we did not have time. Unless we were just gonna have 60 hour weeks, we were not able to do SFE. And full time work is required to keep your visa in Sweden.

So those international schools kept me kind of busy while I Learned the culture and got around right as I was starting SFE in my the middle of my third year, the pandemic hit. And the pandemic made it very difficult to study. So even though I was signed into SFE courses, those SFE courses met online once a week for 3 hours. So I had 3 hours a week tops, even though I was unable to go out, even though it was during the pandemic and our teachers often canceled those classes because the town I lived in had shitty sfe. They did. I did not ask for them to teach them in English. I watched Swedish TV shows. I’m autistic, so I like examples and rules. And when you’re not in class, you don’t get examples and rules. And yeah, maybe some of you who have brains that were wired better for English, for multiple languages, because you Learned multiple languages early, because modern studies show that if you’re not exposed to multiple languages at a young age, it’s more difficult to learn than when you get older. But even disregarding that, my extremely slow progress was at least partially because it was very hard to have classes that I could go to the first two years I worked full time because I was required to. The seven years it took us to get citizenship here, we were required to work full time to stay in the country. And any extraneous stuff on that is kind of a burden. Now if you have Swedish in your home because one of you is Swedish, that’s little easier. If you have a workplace that is in Swedish, maybe that’s a little bit easier. If you have time to go to SFE and take it seriously, then it’s a little easier. There are lots of people who don’t have your privilege. That is what I am saying.

Yakiprat university. But you who keep saying, well, you’re just too stupid to learn. Yeah, I did not learn another language until I was 15. You guys start learning English because all your shows, all your is in English. Go learn Spanish. See if you pick it up in 2 years. And Spanish is another one of the most common languages in the world. There’s tons of Spanish. Try Portuguese, try Cosa, try Swahili, try Arabic. See if you pick it up in 2 years. God privilege.