Recent Movie Recommendations and Reviews: From Incendies to Fresh Kills, Here’s What I’ve Been Watching

I watch a lot of movies
and I’d like to recommend some of the ones I’ve watched over the last few weeks
that I think were particularly good
first is Incendies from 2010
directed by Denis Villneiu this movie is currently shown for free on Tubi
and it follows two twins a brother and a sister
who in the wake of their mother’s death
are sent to deliver two separate letters
one to the father they thought was dead
and the other to the brother they never knew existed
this is a fantastic drama with some amazing direction
but some of the dialogue and moments in this film will leave you breathless
in The Defiant Ones from 1958
which is also streaming for free on TV
Tony Curtis and Sidney Poitier star as two convicts
Joker and Cullen who in the chaos of a car accident
are able to escape despite the fact that they are still chained together
this movie has some fantastic conversations
specifically the ones between Joker and Cullen
about race and class I love this movie and it’s always great to revisit it
if you’ve never seen it I highly recommend it
Furiosa the prequel to Mad Max
Fury Road is finally streaming on Max
and we watch this for Movie Club
and all six of us thought it was great and were completely blown away
in John Cassavets’ Faces
a middle aged man going through a midlife crisis
abruptly decides to leave his wife
thus resulting in both of them having affairs with much younger people
to some somewhat devastating consequences
this movie is such an interesting exploration around middle class
anxieties around aging and I just really enjoy the performances here
I think if you’re not familiar with Gena Rowland’s work
then you should definitely check out faces and Fresh Kills
which is written and directed by long time actress Jennifer Esposito
I initially rented this movie
thinking it was going to be a woman’s response to classic mob movies
like the Godfather and Goodfellas
and it ended up being so much more than that
it was an exploration of female rage
and the fact that a woman’s choices
are really only as good as the options in front of her
but this is just what I’ve been watching recently
I’d love to know from other people
have you seen any of these movies and what have you been watching