Exploring the Privilege of Traveling: A Different Perspective on Financial Circumstances

Oh my god, you haven’t been to Thailand? Wait,
you’ve never been to L A. Uh,
you need to travel way more.
Why don’t you travel? It is the biggest giveaway
that you grew up under different financial circumstances
than the person speaking to you.
The people are like, oh my god,
like your family didn’t go on a Europe trip when you were younger.
I don’t think people realise that travelling is a privilege.
They frame it as if it’s a choice.
I think if a lot of us could choose to have travelled a lot growing up,
we would have. But this is not the financial situation
everyone is in with their families
or even when they’re independently earning income after.
And I never get offended when people ask like that because I’m like,
okay, like,
you don’t know. It’s just funny.
Cause it’s one of those small markers of like,
okay, we grew up maybe just like a smidge differently.
But it’s like me going up to you and being like,
oh my God, you’ve never cried in your room
because one of your parents lost a job for a long time
causing you to change your financial lifestyle.
Your siblings never locked you in a room
and talked to you about how your parents
don’t actually have enough money
to do the things that they used to do.
And so you need to change your lives forever. Wait,
you were never a kid who eavesdropped on
Conversations that adults in your house were having
about how
you were not allowed to find out that they were losing money.
That’s so weird. You should do it.