Reflections on Family, Appreciation, and Connection: A Touring Musician’s Perspective

Psychologically, I reached the point of the tour where
we’ve been gone for, like,
you know, two,
between two and three weeks.
And that’s an eternity to miss my.
To be away from my family.
So I get to see him tomorrow.
They like to put these little puzzles back together,
and they love cows, and they go, move.
So there’s a cow behind here,
and here’s a little train.
Be something to do on the bus when they’re.
When we’re messing around.
I think it’s important that
look at the glass half full
and be appreciative to the opportunity that I have, um,
to reach so many different people and make my voice proud
when they’re eventually old enough to realize what it is I do, you know?