Confronting Racism: A Call to Action for Tackling Systemic Injustices in Australia

Unlike some in here think racism in all its forms exists in this country, and it is a problem in this country. And the greens are the only party in this place with an anti racism portfolio. Because we recognize the need to tackle systemic and institutional racism. To confront our bloody colonial history, which to this day targets First Nations people, and to counter the growing tide of far right nationalism. Racism exists at universities like it exists everywhere else. Just last week, threatening islamophobic graffiti referencing the Christ Church mosque murderer was discovered by a Muslim engineering student in the university of Melbourne toilets. In may, it was reported by the Register that there was a 39 fold increase in reports of on Australian university campuses alone. The university’s accord report itself spoke of instances of racism at higher education providers experienced by First Nation students and staff, both on campus and online. It recommended that an important element of the study would specifically focus on the experiences of First Nations staff and students, while another could extend to staff and students from other groups who have experienced racism in the sector.

During the covid pandemic, we saw a shameful spike in attacks on students with Asian appearance. A study by the Migrant Worker Justice Initiative found that racism had impacted a staggering quarter of Australia’s international students during the pandemic.

A review by the Human Rights Commission into racism, which tackles all different types of racism is the kind of broad ranging expert led review we need, not one whose motivation we know all too well, which has been brought into the Senate today. I agree with Doctor Max Kaiser from the Jewish Council of Australia, who has expressed deep concern with what he calls the weaponization of anti Semitism by the Liberal Party to target students who are standing up against the genocide of the Palestinian people. I also agree with his colleague, Misarah Schwartz, who recently told a Senate inquiry into right wing extremism that the only way to effectively fight anti Semitism is by committing to work in partnership with other groups facing bigotry and discrimination and to fight all forms of racism. And I have zero trust in a party whose leader is Peter Dutton to push for any good faith review into racism. I have zero trust. And Senator Henderson.

Resume your seat. Senator Freaky, do you have a point of order? I do.

If sender Frukey could refer to members of. But this place now, the place by the proper titles.

Place indeed, Senator Freaky, you should refer to anyone from the other place or this place by their proper title. You have the call set at a.

Freaky. Thank you. I have zero trust in a party whose leader is Mister Dutton to push for any good faith review into racism. I have zero trust in Senator Henderson who thinks that there is no issue with to push for any good faith review into racism. Let’s be clear. This Bill is a thinly veiled attempt to attack student encampments and tarnish students and staff who are calling for justice for Palestine and a free Palestine and the end to a genocide in which Israel has already slaughtered more than 37,000 Palestinians.