Frantic Conversations in the Gaming Den: A High-Stakes Capture the Flag Session

Yeah. Hurry up.
Wait, what?
I have the hack camera, bro.
I’m back,
I’m back, I’m back,
I’m back, I’m back,
I’m back. I’m lagging.
Oh, I missed it.
How did you know, bro?
Oh, I got shit on.
I got shit on. I got shit on.
You shoot the main line again.
What the fuck?
Coming up, coming up.
Rob a drone, coming up.
Rob a drone, coming up.
Top of the staircase. Got it.
Yo, did you, like,
did you tag one or nothing?
Just flip jinks. I Falcon.
Just flip garage jinksy. 15 seconds remaining.
No, I saw it.
I saw. You gotta tip that
try, bro.
You guys,
I’d use my name.
He’s in stock or he’s in stock?
Double yes!
I got him in the head, bro.
One HP stock. One HP stock one.
I can’t. I don’t have a drone.
I can’t do this. Assist shit, man.
Everyone above you. He walked in, bro.
My marble plinking. I am, I am!
I got shot from the fucking hat!