The Day My Alarm Betrayed Me: A Morning Routine Meltdown Story

I was very much a goody two shoes
unproblematic kid growing up
except for in this one area
I had to be woken up by an alarm clock and not a person
but of course
technology is not perfect
so some days my alarm wouldn’t go off
and my mom who is an angel
mind you she would come wake me up
and she would be like hey sweetie
like it’s time to get up
then she’d leave my room and I would proceed to lose my mind
I truly have no idea what possessed me to do this
but I would get on top of my bed and start throwing my pillows around
start throwing my blankets around
and start shouting about how I was gonna be late
and just essentially freaking out
you know that line from euphoria that’s like oh
that girl needs an exorcism
that could have been applicable to me in this moment
like what was going on
and I will say I used to be like
terrified of being late places when I was a kid
but a it’s not that deep
and b if I was so worried about being late
why was I wasting time acting like King Kong
rather than just getting ready for school and not freaking out about it
I have never been a morning person
never have been I’m sure I never will be
but that was like
next level and I still feel bad for being that unhinged
thank god I did grow out of whatever phase that was anyways
that’s all bye guys