The History and Legacy of Instant Noodles: From Chicken Ramen to Cup Noodles

Today is August 25th, which means there’s 128 days left in the year.
And today. In 1958,
instant noodles were first sold in Japan.
A man named Momofuku Ando
developed chicken ramen
to help address the food storage crisis in Japan after World War 2.
At first, the noodles cost six times more than fresh noodles,
and they struggled to catch on.
They eventually came down in price and gained popularity
to the point where Ando introduced Cup Noodles,
which became a global sensation.
Later on, in 1970,
he would introduce an American noodle brand named Top Ramen,
and since then, hungry people across the world
have filled their bellies with instant noodles.