Family Travel Chronicles: Adventures to Mikonos with the Kids

Come and travel with us and our two kids to Mikonos!
Rio woke up super early as he loves airplanes
and then wanted to put on his hat because it’s his pilot’s hat.
I always love to get a workout in before we fly,
so I did one in the rain whilst checking out my spray tan.
It’s now 7:30, both kids are up,
and I do wonder
when I’ll ever be able to go to the toilet on my own again.
I actually know Stewart’s filming me at this point,
but I’m not gonna look at him
cause I’m really pissed off
on just how long it takes to leave the house
and all the stuff you have to take with kids.
Now we’re checking in our bags and I’m still stressed and Moody
and I’ll be like this until we’re actually on the plane.
I had to crack open the ultimate snack box in the security line
because everyone was getting a bit ratty.
One of the security ladies actually complimented our snack box
and said it was amazing.
We’re almost on the plane now and my mood is beginning to lighten.
However, I have to say it wasn’t my favourite flight.
It has nothing to do with easyjet.
Everyone was fabulous. It’s our kids.
We haven’t even moved yet.
And I had to open the snack box again
to calm the tensions of an 11 month old and a toddler.
And rebel finally got to sleep an Hour into the flight,
all I could think was, Rio,
you dead. I wake her up.
It’s not their fault. She’s only a baby and he’s a toddler.
They just get bored, frustrated and wanna run around,
move around, and they can’t.
Yep. She’s on the floor now,
eating in the snap box. And he’s finally relaxing watching his iPad.
At one point,
we had to restrain him because all he want to do was kiss rebel
and she didn’t like it. So I was like,
I’ll kiss you non stop and see if you like it.
And of course, he loved it.
She’s a little angel here.
But she also knows exactly what to do.
Need to wind. We’re you up?
So my advice to you is that if you don’t have kids,
but you want to have kids,
enjoy every single flight of freedom,
because it’s all gonna change.
It’s funny because when we landed,
everyone sat around, is commented on how well behaved they were.
Nothing made us happier
being greeted by friends when we arrived at our villa.
And this is where we’re staying,
so I’ll make sure to show you around tomorrow.