Unstoppable God Mode Glitch: The Ultimate Power in Gaming

You can now enter God Mode,
becoming completely unstoppable,
and no exaggeration,
being able to stun lock enemies and overpower them in seconds,
even if it’s the final boss in the game.
I mean, usually you can only summon five shadow clones,
but with this technique you’re gonna be able to summon hundreds
and allow them to take on bosses by themselves
or teleport around the maps
faster than you ever would be able to before.
But this is a glitch
and it massively takes away from the fun of the game,
so hopefully it’s patched out soon.
But I cover everything here on the channel,
so here’s how you can do it.
All you need are enough time power points in the pillar Stance ability
to unlock sweeping Gale, which is literally the second ability.
Then you’re gonna use sleeping Gale
by following up a light attack with a heavy attack,
and while you’re swinging,
spam the cloud step ability.
And that’s pretty much it.
Right after you’ve completed this cloud step,
you have now unlocked Infinite Mana
and infinitely spammable abilities that have no cooldown
and enjoy permanently teleporting around the map
or being an absolute god. But again,
this totally takes away from the actual fun and challenge of the game.
And even if you don’t want to do this,
Cyro has already found out a build in the game,
a legitimate one,
that can actually one shot even the very last boss in the game.
I’ll Cover that soon, but you can check that out on his channel.