Analyzing Trump’s Economic Plan: A Detailed Breakdown

these are the highlights of Trump’s economic plan
try to keep this page as a political as possible
so this is not an endorsement of these policies
it’s just what Trump says he plans to do
I also did the same video for Kamala Harris
you can watch that when you’re done here
let me know what you think of these policies
wants to completely eliminate income tax and replace that with tariffs
A tariff is a tax on anything that comes in the United States
and he wants to raise these substantially
so that people don’t have to pay income tax
people against this say that it’s going to lead to a lot more inflation
at least in the short term
the argument for this is not only would it eliminate income taxes
but it would create incentives for companies and manufacturers
to keep more jobs in the United States
he said in speech last week
he’s going to slash the price of energy by half
in the first 12 to 18 months of his administration
that’s oil gas electricity
he didn’t say exactly how he plans to do this
outside saying that he’s going to drill more to bring the cost of oil down
he wants to lower the corporate income tax from 21% to 15%
Kamala Harris by contrast
wants to raise it to 28% people for lowering this tax
say that creates incentive for corporations to reinvestment themselves
create more jobs and it keeps the United States
a lot more competitive against other countries that have higher tax rates
whereas the other side argues
corporations are not paying their fair share of taxes